Interviews & Press

Fortunate to have those in the public wanting to interview me and find out more about the unique tales that Paul and I have published.

Mackay City Library at Dion Mayne Award-winning Historical Fiction Author

Mackay City Library

Lightning Author Talks:
Lightning Author Talk #4: Dion Mayne
| Connecting

Channel 7 News at Dion Mayne Award-winning Historical Fiction Author

Channel 7 News

Book Launch of Boomerang Gold covered by Ch7 News

Triple M Interview at Dion Mayne Award-winning Historical Fiction Author

Triple M Interview

Triple M team Jay & Dave interview me in regards to Boomerang Gold

Daily Mercury at Dion Mayne Award-winning Historical Fiction Author

Daily Mercury


Explore the Intriguing World of Espionage and Adventure with Dion Mayne

Get in touch
